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Life Group Announcement 
  1. Baptism BBQ is coming in September 30th. It’s a potluck, so bring a side fish or a dessert. If you would like to be baptized email pastor Julian@ (Give your testimony of your baptism to encourage people that got saved to be baptized) Many people think that they need to be more “perfect” to be baptized. Not true! All they need is to be saved – More info on our website
  2. Women’s retreat is October 13-15. Cost is $133. Registration is coming soon. Save the date, and start saving some cash.
  3. October 4, 11, 18, and 25 OB One will be hosting a 4-week seminar on How to minister to others being led by the Spirit called “Ministry Leader training. Registration open online
Testimony to be share with the group
  1. 3 people were healed this Sunday when we were praying for them. God is really moving at OB One. At the end of our meeting today wee’ll be praying to each other and God will bless and touch people also.
Life Group Questions
  1. Pastor Joe mentioned that the “daily bread” in the Lord’s prayer is 2 things. 1) God’s provision, and God’s revelation. 2)We need daily revelations from God through the Holy Spirit for direction, and wisdom. Jesus is the bread that came from heaven. His presence, and His daily revelation to us is our spiritual food. Talk about this new perspective on “Give us today our daily bread”
  2. How many times as a follower of Christ you saw yourself kind of feeling lost without knowing what to do. We at OB One we are learning that If we seek God, close our eyes and ask Him to reveal something to us, He is faithful to give us the direction we need. Maybe through a vision, or by hearing God’s voice. Let’s talk about this. Have you experienced the clear direction from God by simply asking God and waiting for Him to speak? If so, would you share with the group?
  3. Pastor Joe mentioned that sometimes we agree with the enemy and when we do so we are giving him authority and power. When the enemy whispers ” You are not really loved by God or the church” or lies to us, that many times we believe his lies, and in believing his lies we are giving him authority and power. (pastor Joe mentioned Adam and Eve has dominion and authority before the fall, they turned it over to Satan, and Jesus gained it back). Is this a new concept to you? If so, how are you digesting this new information?
  4. A key thing to keep on receiving new revelation is to obey them. As we obey the revelation, God will entrust us with more. If we don’t obey, why would God give us more revelation? Talk about obedience to God.
  5. As you pray for each other encourage the group to before they pray for each other to ask God “God, what do you see in this situation? How should I pray” and God will direct the prayers by giving someone a picture or someone will sense something to pray. (Jesus only did what He saw and heard the Father do) this should be our new way of praying, and living life, by allowing God to lead us through the Holy Spirit.
Julian Malotti