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Missions Sunday – Istanbul

By July 18, 2016No Comments

Note to leaders

  1. Make the new people feel welcomed
  2. Respect people’s time and end your group meeting on time. Or give and out to people if you are late by saying something “It’s 8:30 and we will be praying for one another. If you have to leave we understand and want to respect your time. Just let us know how we can pray for you before you leave”. (Something along those lines)
  3. Plan a monthly hang out only. Make it fun like a potluck, bbq, pizza party… and simply hang out and eat together, and get to know each other on a deeper level. (Be careful if you plan to serve beer or wine in these hang outs, and make sure everyone in the group is OK with it, and that there are no recovering alcoholics in your group. You can ask people, or simply avoid alcohol until you are 100% certain that no one will stumble and relapse because of your group)

Life Group Questions

  1. Did you have any experiences with the Holy Spirit this week? (Note to leader: We pray that OB1 people experience God’s presence every day, not just on Sunday)
  2. Did you have any prayer answered this week? (Note to leader: We pray that people are praying to God often, and we expect God to hear us and answer our prayers)
  3. What was the most impactful thing you learned Sunday?
  4. The Missionary mentioned that his strategy to bring Jesus to Turkey was very simple. 1. Christians will live according to God in their workplace, and be God’s light wherever they go; 2. The people of the church would hang out often and do life together, and invite their unchurched friends to join their gatherings, and 3. Talk about their faith, or in other words have “gospel conversations”. How can we do these 3 things here in San Diego? Or how can we do a better job as a life group and individually? (That is why having a monthly “hang out” as a life group is very important. So that we can simply hang out and have fun, and 2 so that we can invite our unchurched friends.) Pray ans plan for a monthly potluck, dinner, pizza party, bbq… and make sure everyone would invite a friend.
  5. Spend 15 to 20 minutes praying for one another.
Julian Malotti