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Life Group Announcements

  1. Baptism BBQ is coming in September 30th. It’s a potluck, so bring a side fish or a dessert. If you would like to be baptized email pastor Julian@ (Give your testimony of your baptism to encourage people that got saved to be baptized) Many people think that they need to be more “perfect” to be baptized. Not true! All they need is to be saved – More info on our website
  2. Women’s retreat is October 13-15. Cost is $133. Registration is coming soon. Save the date, and start saving some cash.
  3. October 4, 11, 18, and 25 OB One will be hosting a 4-week seminar on How to minister to others being led by the Spirit called “Ministry Leader training”. Registration open online at

Life Group Questions

Note to leaders: In a nutshell this is a stewardship message. God gives us gifts and talents that as we use them, He will give us more. If we chose not to use them for God’s glory we will be wasting the eternal impact God intended for us through our God given gifts and talents.

  1. How have you heard the voice of God this week? What did you do with that revelation?
  2. What stood out to you in the Sermon Sunday?
  3. Pastor Joe mentioned many people that were graced by God. like Mary was graced with being Jesus’ mom, David graced with being the King, and Daniel graced with visions, dreams, and interpretation of dreams. What are some gifts that you feel you received from God to impact this world for Him? (Examples: Some people are great with people, others are great at business, others have visions & dreams, others compassion,…) Are you using your gifts for Jesus? How are you stewarding them?
  4. Read Luke 1:26-38 Mary is an example of obedience. She said to God “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.” Do you feel you are being obedient to God’s call in your life? If not, What is preventing you to use your God given talents for God’s glory?
  5. Pastor Joe mentioned that Daniel wanted to be used by God so bad that he fasted for 21 days just to be close to God. (Daniel 10:1-21) Do you want to more used by God? If so, what are you doing to grow in your gifting?
  6.  Take some time to pray for each other.
Julian Malotti