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Breakthrough: The community of Holy Spirit Filled

By January 19, 2015January 21st, 2015No Comments

Announcements for Life Group Leader (Please share with group)

  • The OB One staff just came back from a retreat and God gave us a clear vision for the church. This vision has 3 parts.
    • 1. God wants OB One to be a Holy Spirit filled church (We want to be a people that are filled with God, that God’s supernatural is part of our daily lives. We want to be a people that live supernatural lives by the power of the Holy Spirit)
    • 2. A church where everyone is growing is in their love and relationship with God (It does not matter if you have been in church 1 day or 20 years, we want to continue to grow each day);
    • 3. A church that together we are impacting our families, workplaces, and neighbors… thousands for God
  • So 1 major change is that we want to make prayer a priority in every ministry including life groups. Plan to have more time for prayer each week so that we would become people that are Holy Spirit filled. Make sure that the group is praying at least 15 minutes each week. Feel free to lead a mini “worship night” in your house, where you praise and pray.

Life Group Questions

  1. Welcome the people in your group if this is your first week meeting together. Do a 5 minutes introductions. Explain how the life group will function (Example: Please take notes Sunday. We’ll start every week 6:30 sharp and end 8pm sharp, after the life group ends, feel free to stay for hang out and snacks until 9. We’ll worship for about 15 minutes every time we meet to focus on God, then we’ll talk about what we learned from Sunday and how to make it practical in our lives, then we’ll pray for one another about 15 minutes then we’ll end)
  2. Did you take notes this Sunday? Let’s take turns in sharing what God spoke to you this Sunday (Encourage everyone to take notes Sunday, then life group becomes a group effort where everyone participates, shares Bible verses, etc… )
  3. The main reading Sunday was Acts 2:42-47. Talk about the following aspects of the Christian community
    1. Christ followers were Devoted to the (Apostle teachings) Bible,
    2. Fellowship in the houses,
    3. communion,
    4. to prayer,
    5. signs and wonders were a part of their lives, (healings, supernatural wisdom and insight, prophecy…)
    6. Marked by generosity,
    7. they met in big gatherings (like us on Sunday) and in small gatherings in homes,
    8. they were thankful and praised God,
    9. They had the favor of the people outside the church
    10. God added daily to their numbers (God is the one who saves)
  4. Is today’s church different than the Acts 2 church. If so, how?
  5. What is God convicting you to change based on this passage of the Bible
  6. Take a time to pray for one another or if you prefer start the meeting by praying

Bible verses Read Sunday

  • Acts 2:42-47
  • John 16:14 (Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus)
  • 1 Timothy 3:12-16


Julian Malotti