Life Group Questions
- Did you take notes Sunday? If so, what is 1 thing that stood out to you? (Encourage people to take notes every Sunday)
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and talk about it.(Life is the race, we are the racers, there are 2 types of prizes, and there’s got to be intentionality involved)
- Is it true in your life that you are intentional with earthly goals, but not so intentional with eternal things.
- What is 1 thing that you are going to change in response to this message?
- Talk about the difference about planning our lives around the things of this world versus planning it around Jesus and the Gospel
- Would you like to share with the group what are some things that you would like to accomplish for Jesus?
- Spend 15 to 20 minutes praying.
Bible Verses
- PSALM 90:10 – Moses wrote this Psalm 4000 year ago
- PSALM 90:12
- PSALM 39:4 – King David wrote it 3000 years ago
- 1 CORINTHIANS 9:24 – 27 – Apostle Paul wrote it 2000 years ago
This sermon is about living intentionally for the kingdom of God