Life Group Questions
Announcement # 1 – December 6 everyone is invited to come to the OB Parade. We will be giving free Christmas CDs to everyone at the parade to invite them to OB One’s Christmas eve Service. It will be a fun day with the family, but also evangelistic through the Cd’s we will be giving away. Let’s arrive at the church at 3 pm (sharp) to pray and establish a game plan, then we’ll to the parade that starts at 5pm
Announcement for Life group leaders and hosts only (Do not share this with the group). Thursday December 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 all the life group leaders / hosts and their families will be gathering together at Matt and Daphney’s house at Point loma to celebrate the year 2014. Would you please let me know if you are coming and how many people are coming with you by filling out the following form? Here is the form link:
- Make the life group a prayer group. Ask how can we be praying for you? Another idea is to ask in 5 words each topic, tell us how is family, how is work, how is your faith, how is the ministry you are serving in? (This will help the long talker to be concise, and this will help the group to talk less and pray more. Sometimes the group talks for an hour and prays for 15 minutes. The 5 words strategy reverses that and the group has more time to pray)
- Encourage people to feel free to listen to spirit and get out of their place to pray for someone else in the group. You can model this by listening to the Holy Spirit, and let’s say the Holy Spirit tell you to pray for John, you can say “Guys let’s pray together for John?”.
- Pray for the people that will receive a free CD at the Christmas parade as an invitation to our Christmas eve service. Pray that the Holy Spirit would touch their hearts through the songs in the CD and that they would hear God and start coming to church.
Bible Verses read Sunday