This track is designed for interns who have a passion to guide and grow believers of all ages to effectively use their gifts
to grow the local church. There are 4 different focuses: Kids Focus, Youth Focus, Young Adults Focus, Adult Focus and Outreach.
The Kids Focus is designed for interns who feel called to engage and cultivate young children to become spiritual champions who will change culture. Topics covered in this focus include:
- Building a successful children’s ministry team
- Leading volunteer teams
- Creating fun and age-appropriate learning environments
Coordinating social justice projects, community outreach, local & global missions, and implementing creative outreach into all areas of the church.
- Event coordination
- Missions administration
- Developing relationships in the community
- Fund raising
The Youth Focus is designed for interns who feel called to make
a difference in the lives of young people aged 12-18. Interns will learn how to effectively minister to youth from adolescence to young adulthood using techniques geared towards the particular, spiritual, cultural and psychological development of kids within this age range. Topics covered in this focus include:
- Preparing for evening youth service
- Following up with guests who came to the service
- Planning the youth weekend experiences
- Teaching and facilitating the youth weekend experiences Organizing youth activities
- Being present at JH and HS campuses around the San Diego area
The Young Adults Focus is designed for interns who have a passion to connect with people aged 18-25 in a relevant and fun way. Topics covered in this focus include:
- Preparing and leading a small group-driven young adult community
- Planning social justice and community outreaches
- Strategizing and planning young adult services and activities
The Adult Focus is designed for interns who have a passion to minister to adults. This focus includes those who are interested in a lead pastor or an associate pastor role. Interns will learn the skills needed to foster genuine Christian community, to gain wisdom in church leadership and to learn strategic growth models. Topics covered in this track include:
- Community/Small Groups
- Church Business & Management
- Preaching/Teaching
- Pastoral Care
- Leadership Development
- Core Theology
Download Intern Packet
For more information Contact
Pricillia Hirst
PHONE: 619.223.7187
FAX: 619.223.7186