Life Group Questions
- Did you take notes this Sunday? What did you learn from God and the Bible?
- Read Hebrews 4:12-13 and talk about the following aspects of the Bible:
- It is alive. It is the way that the living God speaks to us, and it becomes the living voice to produce life. Share with the group an area of your life that God brought life after you started obeying Him.
- The word of God is active (The laws of God are in motion, and they work)
- (Sharper than a 2 edged sword) The Bible is God’s tool to minister to the deepest areas of our soul. Talk about how many times it gets uncomfortable when God is dealing with an area of life that we do not want anyone to touch it.
- Is there an area that you would like to share with your life group that God is dealing with, and you find very uncomfortable. Or was there one area in the past that you kept hiding, but when you let God deal with it everything changed. Would you share that with the group?
- Read Matthew 4:1-11 and Talk about how the Bible is a weapon against the enemy without (Satan) and how Jesus used it to combat his lies. And talk about how the Bible will also bring victory against the enemy within called sin that it manifests in the form of selfishness, greed, lust, covetousness, …
- There are good consequences for those who obey God and bad ones when we choose to disobey. Talk about how we are free to obey or not, but not free to choose the consequence.
- v13 How does it make you feel that God knows us from the inside out?
- Take some time to share and pray for one another.