Life Group Announcements
- Men’s Breakfast is this Saturday at 6:30 am at OB One. Cost is $3
- Invite someone to Easter. It’s coming in less than 3 weeks. Bring cash for food trucks
Life group Questions For Driven: Unleashing the power of God
1. What did you take away from Sunday’s service?
2. Read 2 Timothy 1:7. When you think about the power of God what does that look like to you? Do you see yourself releasing i.e. using the power of God in your everyday life? If so, what does that look like and if not…why do you think not?
3. Read Acts 3:1-10. How did Peter unleash the power of God? What did he do?
4. In Acts 3:6 we read that Peter did not have silver or gold but he did give what he did have and that was the gift of the power of the Holy Spirit to heal. God isn’t asking you to give what you don’t have but to give what you do have. Read Romans 12:6-8. Here we read that we all have been given a variety of gifts. But we do not all have the same gifts. But are you willing to use what gifts you do have to unleash the power of God?
5. In addition to having specific spiritual gifts, the Bible also teaches us to seek out the greater gifts to love others. Thus, even if you don’t have the spiritual gift of healing you can still pray for God to heal, thus unleashing the power of God. Even if you don’t have the gift of exhortation you can still speak scriptural truth in love to others…unleashing the power of God. Therefore what does that look like in your life?
6. Read Acts 3:11-16. So often our past failures and sins prevent us from unleashing the power of God. But in this passage Peter shares the gospel and heals miraculously even though just weeks earlier he denied Christ 3 times. So why/how was Peter so bold and how does that affect our position in unleashing the power of God? What lesson did Peter learn? Read Philippians 3:12-14.
7. Practice listening and unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit and asking to be used miraculously. For example, if you sense the Holy Spirit leading you to pray for someone, step out in faith and pray for them. It can be baby steps. You don’t have to declare someone healed like Peter did but you can ask God to heal them. Or maybe you sense a prophetic word from God for someone. Go to them and let them know this is something you just sense and want to encourage them. Don’t tell them that it is for sure from God but that you believe it may be and that you wanted to love them. Remember our feelings are not scripture, but we can receive prophetic messages from God. We just need to be super careful to clearly preface our message in love and for the recipient to weigh it according to scripture and their own spirit because we can be wrong. It is super important that we don’t come off like a fortune teller or like we are declaring our vision or message as the authoritative Word of God. That is what Scripture is! If this is confusing please talk to your life group leader or pastor Julian.