Life Group Announcements
- Next Saturday, May 19th from 6 to 8 OB1 will be hosting a worship night. Join us.
- Activate Love workshop is June 16th from 9 to 4pm. We will be learning various ways we can love co-workers, neighbors, and people around us in practical ways. You will learn so much Lunch will be provided and the cost is $15
- Men’s breakfast is June 2nd from 7 to 8:30. Invite a friend.
Life Group Questions
- How are you growing your relationship with God? How are you growing in closeness, in listening to him, in obeying him? What are you doing differently that is helping your faith journey with the Holy Spirit?
- Read Psalm 145 a few verses at a time and talk about all the qualities of God, then ask “How do these truths impact your life? By knowing that God is these things about Himself in the word?”
- Having a high view of God changes our view on everything about life. It changes our faith level, our trust, it changes how we see ourselves (forgiven, blessed, cared for, loved,….), it changes the way we see challenges, the way we see our weaknesses (No longer slaves Rm 6:6), how we see God’s discipline, how we see our past, present, and future,…
- Question: How does a high view of God impacting your life?
- Pray for each other and encourage people to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow what He says. (Maybe it is to pray for someone in the group, maybe it’s an encouraging word, maybe it’s a Bible verse God put in your mind to share with the group or an individual, etc… (Help the people to grow in listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and obey what they hear or see by putting it in action somehow)
Bible Verses Read Sunday
- Psalm 16:11
- Psalm 145 the whole chapter