Life Group Announcements
- OB One summer camp (previously known as VBS) is coming up in the 1st week of August. You can be a part of it by volunteering, praying, and buying supplies for it
- Another way that we as a group can be a part of VBS is by volunteering an evening and going to the church to make decorations. Pick a day that the group would meet for life group, and go to the church instead to volunteer. Decoration making will be happening at OB One every Wednesday through Friday from 4-8 pm until August. If you would like to RSVP contact Christina@
- There is a life group looking for someone in the church who can volunteer doing sign language in an elder care home twice a month. If you know anyone ask them to email pastor Julian@
Life Group Questions
- Read John 12:20-26 and talk about how living for this world contradicts Jesus’ message of dying to self
- Read Galatians 2:20-21 – What is an area of your life that you find hard to surrender to God?
- Read 2 Corinthians 4:18 – Isn’t it true that many times we think God will be a “tool” to help us achieve our material dreams? How is this thinking contrary to the Bible in view of eternity?
- Read Romans 12:1-2 – Talk about how living for the American dream as a born again Christian is a waste of eternal power to impact this world for Jesus.
- Let’s be honest, after being a couple of life group seasons together we pretty much know one another and it feels like life group discussions become a little repetitive. (It’s because we know each other’s strengths and weaknesses already). Talk to the group about finding a “cause” and start serving together as a group, and be “on mission” together. Being on mission and serving God together will bring a new breath of life to the group. If the group would like some “training wheels” you can join 2 other groups in the church that are visiting the SD Rescue Mission, and another group that is visiting an elder home to evangelize the elderly, and spend time with them.