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Red Letters

4 “I am” statements of Christ

By September 28, 2015No Comments

Life Group Announcements

  1. This week and next week, normally are the 2 weeks life groups take a break. It is a time for leaders and hosts to take a break and rest. Breaks are not mandatory, but talk to your group about it, and if you as a leader/ host need a break, go ahead and take it.
  2. Plan an evangelistic potluck so that everyone in your group can invite a friend. Make it just a get together so that the unchurched would have a first contact with the church family.
  3. Movie night in coming up in 2 weeks. It will be Friday October 9. The movie will be “UP”. This is an FREE outreach event. Invite friends to join you. Popcorn will be provided.

Life Group Questions

  1. Read JOHN 6:26-35 and talk about the following questions
    1. Work not for food that spoils but for food that is eternal.
  2. Read John 8:12 and talk about Jesus being the Light of the World
    1. Before we get saved we walk and have pleasure in darkness.
    2. When we get saved the Holy Spirit (The light) comes to life within us and God changes us from the inside out. Jesus changes our taste, changes our worldview.
    3. Religion says “Do it, Do it, do it” Jesus said, come to me, I’ll change your heart.
  3. Read John 8:9-11 and talk about the forgiveness and the warning of Jesus to the adulterous woman. Jesus forgives but does not condone willful sin
  4. Read John 10:7-14 and talk about Jesus being the gate and the good shepherd
    1. Jesus is the only way to salvation. Only way to the Father
    2. Jesus takes good care of His sheep through His WORD.
    3. The obedient sheep finds pasture
    4. The sheep knows the good shepherd’s voice (Bible) and does not follow the thief (False teachings)
  5. Pray for at least 15 minutes. Pray for healing and miracles. God is doing amazing things here at OB One. Believe it and pray.
Julian Malotti