Life Group Announcements
- This week and next week, normally are the 2 weeks life groups take a break. It is a time for leaders and hosts to take a break and rest. Breaks are not mandatory, but talk to your group about it, and if you as a leader/ host need a break, go ahead and take it.
- Plan an evangelistic potluck so that everyone in your group can invite a friend. Make it just a get together so that the unchurched would have a first contact with the church family.
- Movie night in coming up in 2 weeks. It will be Friday October 9. The movie will be “UP”. This is an FREE outreach event. Invite friends to join you. Popcorn will be provided.
Life Group Questions
- Read JOHN 6:26-35 and talk about the following questions
- Work not for food that spoils but for food that is eternal.
- Read John 8:12 and talk about Jesus being the Light of the World
- Before we get saved we walk and have pleasure in darkness.
- When we get saved the Holy Spirit (The light) comes to life within us and God changes us from the inside out. Jesus changes our taste, changes our worldview.
- Religion says “Do it, Do it, do it” Jesus said, come to me, I’ll change your heart.
- Read John 8:9-11 and talk about the forgiveness and the warning of Jesus to the adulterous woman. Jesus forgives but does not condone willful sin
- Read John 10:7-14 and talk about Jesus being the gate and the good shepherd
- Jesus is the only way to salvation. Only way to the Father
- Jesus takes good care of His sheep through His WORD.
- The obedient sheep finds pasture
- The sheep knows the good shepherd’s voice (Bible) and does not follow the thief (False teachings)
- Pray for at least 15 minutes. Pray for healing and miracles. God is doing amazing things here at OB One. Believe it and pray.