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Reckless Love

Created for Impact

By January 6, 2018January 9th, 2018No Comments

Life Group Announcements

  1. The Baptism is January 14th right after 1st service. If you would like to be baptized please contact pastor Julian (julian@
  2. There is a Potluck also on January 14th right after 2nd service. Bring a side dish or a dessert.
  3. OB1 will be hosting a 4-week Financial Freedom class. It starts Sunday, January 28th at 8:30 am in the Venue. Please register on our church’s website. Childcare will be provided.

Life Group Questions 

  1. Genesis “Be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth”. To bear fruit that is equal to be prosperous, multiply equals to have babies, and subdue means to rule over the earth, including darkness on earth. So what God is saying that He will bless the ones who follow HIM, and in Christ, we have authority to come against darkness and win in Jesus’ name. Let’s talk about this passage. What jumps at you?
  2. Since Satan was already on Earth when God put us here, God called us to be the light and salt and to shine God’s glory. So we need to see hardships with the mindset that “I may be in this hardship/darkness to shine God’s love, wisdom, and power in the midst of it”. Let’s talk about that.
    1. Note to leader: If people are in abusive situations, they may need to call the authorities or seek pastoral counseling for the situation. There are sometimes that we need to remove ourselves from the darkness.
  3. Let’s read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. God wants us to be prosperous to be a blessing. Not to have big wallets, but to have big hearts. He wants us to prosper for HIS glory.
  4. Because of the abuse of the “prosperity gospel” and the “name it and claim it gospel” (that is the false teaching that every Christian will be somewhat rich), Christians now have a problem talking about prosperity. We threw away the baby with the bath water. The doctrine of poverty is not more Holy than the doctrine of prosperity. Just as wealth is not a barometer for spirituality, nor is poverty. Let’s talk about it.
  5. We learned Sunday the immaturity turns a blessing from God into an idol. Like the Israelites turned the gold of Egypt into a calf. Don’t make money, or anything else an idol. Don’t place anything in your heart above God
  6. There are 3 lies of the enemy when it comes to finances. 1. God is not going to provide enough, 2. We need to worship money, and 3 that money is evil. Talk about this lies in the light of what we just learned in Genesis, and 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.
Julian Malotti