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How to have a fresh daily relationship with the living God

By February 15, 2015March 16th, 2015No Comments

Leader Announcements

  • Men retreat is coming up March 13 and 14. We are heading to Julian, CA. The cost is $50 before march 2nd, and $60 after March 2nd. If you would like the stay a 2nd night and come back Sunday March 15, the cost is $70 before March 2nd and $80 after March 2nd. Register online, pay with a personal check at the coffee shop.

Life Group Questions

  1. SERMON RECAP – Feel Free to summarize the sermon in 5 minutes if you will. This will help people that were not able to come to church Sunday to feel welcomed to the conversation. The main points of the sermon were: 1) Saul never allowed his knowledge of God (Bible knowledge) to become love for God. Theology and everything around us like people, food, our bed, clothes, health… are pointing us to the grace and love that God has for us. 2) Paul in Philippians 3 described that he made the switch from pursuing religion to a NEW pursuit of  knowing Christ, and we should do the same 3) Two ways of pursuing Christ is described in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 that is to talk to God all day long, and to thank Him in all circumstances; and 4) As we live close to God, HE will give us messages and missions to accomplish like God asked Ananias in verses 10-12. Ananias felt fear and we’ll also feel intimidated to do the things ask us to do, but like Ananias, we’ll pray and ask God for strength an do it in spite of fear.
  2. Did you take notes? What do you remember the Lord speaking to you Sunday?
  3. Let’s read Philippians 3:5-11 and talk about the switch that happened in Paul’s life. Then ask how does this apply to us today? (The goal is to know Christ and walk in close fellowship with Him not a pursuit of more Bible knowledge or “head knowledge” alone)
  4. Let’s read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and talk about how Paul is teaching us to have a close relationship with the living God (The main points are: Pray without ceasing (talking to God all day long), and thank Him for everything. Ask How can we improve on these 2 things, how do you do them….?
  5. Read Acts 9:10-15 and explain how as we walk closely with God and pray often during the day for God to use us, He will give us missions to accomplish just like He gave Ananias. Ananias had fear, but he prayed to God again and God helped him go and accomplish God’s mission for him that day. Do you have any recent examples to share when God spoke very specifically with you, and you obeyed, what was the outcome? Do you have any questions about how does God speak?
  6. PRAYER – Make sure you spend at least 15 minutes praying. Feel free to do that in the beginning of the meeting. What I’ve learned is that many times the sharing time can take too long and there is no time left for prayer. Here are some ideas: If you want to ask for people to share their prayer request say something like “In 5 words how is your walk with God, family, health, and work/school? This will save a lot of time. Another idea is not to share, you simply say “We are going to pray for about 15-20 minutes, just pray for what the Lord is leading you. But feel free to spend 30 minutes praying if you will

Recommended Book on this topic

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence – This book is found FREE on Google Read

Bible verses Read Sunday

Acts 9:1-22
Philippians 3: 5-11
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Julian Malotti