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God’s Value System is different than ours

By April 20, 2015No Comments

God’s Value system is different than ours

Life Group Announcements 

  1. Baptism Worship night is this Friday 6:30pm. If you would like to get Baptized make sure you contact pastor Julian@ or simply show up at 5:45 at OB One for the baptism class. If you wish to be baptized bring a towel, colored shirt (white becomes clear when wet and we do not want that 🙂 and a pair of shorts to get wet on. If they ask you questions about baptism and you do not know the answer, simply say “that is what pastor Julian will be talking about Friday at 5:45pm at OB One.
    1. If you would like to read on baptism here is the link to a great 15 minute read on it.

Life Group Questions 

  • You may not have time to finish all these questions, and that is OK. Feel free to pick the best ones for your group and go through them. Feel free to come up with your own questions also, as God speaks to you Sunday.
  • This is week 2 of 11. Here is the Life Group calendar link if you are interested
  • Plan to have at least 1 “friend day” this season. This is a social event like a dinner, BBQ, or a bonfire that you would coordinate in the same night you meet for the life group, (so it’s not adding an extra night to no one’s schedule) but instead of talking about the questions, everyone would invite a friend (hence the name “friend day”) for this social gathering/party, and do some type of evangelism like a quick testimony before praying for the food.
  1. Did you take notes Sunday? If so, let’s take turns and share 1 thing that you learned from God that was loud and clear. (If everyone has shared 1 thing, ask “What was the second thing that you learned Sunday?”) If everyone takes good notes, soon you will not need to use these questions.
  2. What did you learn Sunday? Any Bible verse you would like to share? How are you going to link what you have learned into your daily life?
  3. To love God more we need to know Him more. Encourage the group to read 2 new testament chapter a day, and 1 Proverb, and take notes as they read. (There are 31 Proverbs so 1 for each day of the month. Encourage them to read the proverb of the day)
  4. Read Matthew 5:1-12 and talk about how Jesus is “changing the price tag” in his description of a happy/blessed person? (Changing the price tag means to reveal what is valuable and what is not)
  5. Read Psalm 23:1-3 and talk about the reality that we are not the center of life, but God is. (The key part of the reading is “for His name’s sake”)
  6. Read 2 Corinthians 10:18 and talk about how freeing is the reality that God’s opinion is the only one that matters. That we do not need to live life based on family member’s expectations on us, or expectations that we made up ourselves.
  7. Spend about 15 to 20 minutes praying for one another. Here are some prayer time styles if you like to change things up
    1. Pray at the beginning of the life group. This is good because you can let the prayer flow without having to keep an eye on the watch. (Let it flow until you fell like the prayers are over. Model vulnerability praying for your personal requests out loud if you feel comfortable in doing so)
    2. Do the prayer circle, where the person receiving prayer is in the center and everyone is alternating praying for him/her
    3. Split men and women so that men can pray with men and women with women. (This is great because it will foster an environment for vulnerability because he/she may say something to other men/women but not in a coed environment.

Bible verses read Sunday 

  • Matthew 5:3-12
  • 2 Corinthians 10:18
  • Psalm 23:1-3
God's value system is different than ours

God’s value system is different than ours


Julian Malotti