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Humility: The Way Up Is Down

By October 1, 2018No Comments

Life Group Announcements:

  1. Continue to pray for Pastor Joe Houser as he takes extended time off to focus on his health, family, and relationship with God.
  2. Young adult ministry started September 13th. Ages 18-26, will meet every Thursday from 6:30-8:30 PM. If interested, talk to Matt Wadley on Sunday or email him at
  3. Friday, October 5th from 6:30-8 PM, there will be a night of worship dedicated to praying for Pastor Joe’s health and family.
  4. Men’s breakfast will be Saturday, October 6th, from 7-9 AM in the Venue. Invite a friend and please consider bringing a $3.00 donation!
  5. On October 20th, from 12-2 PM, Valerie, Laura, and Lu will be hosting a women’s fellowship event called, Women’s Tea. Sign up at the church Café starting September 23rd and the cost is $3.00. No child care provided and only children that do not crawl are allowed. See church site for details. 

Life Group Questions:

Speaker: Pastor Julian Malotti
Sermon Series: Joy!
Humility: The Way Up Is Down!

  1. Pastor Julian said that two of the most important “ingredients” to an effective Christian life are love and humility. Without love you will not be humble and without humility you will not love.
    What does love and humility, working together, look like to you? What are some examples that come to your mind between Jesus and His disciples? Are you following that example? If not, what’s getting in the way?
  2. There is a difference between humility (being humbled by God) and humiliation (others bringing you down to bring themselves up).
    What is the danger in confusing the two words? Could that lead to us thinking that we are nasty people who deserve shame and punishment all the time rather than that we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10)?
  3. One of the biggest lies Satan tries to make us believe is that every time we are humble, or that we forgive, or say sorry, that we are losing our authority and are being weak or doormats. This is called pride.
    Are you often times tempted to believe this lie? Did Jesus lose His authority as He humbled Himself and washed the disciples’ feet? When He came to the earth He created and was mocked and killed? Did he stop being God in the flesh?
  4. Break up into small groups and discuss some ways that you believe God wants you to mix love and humility together this week, month, or year, in the workplace, home, or the church and begin to pray for one another in those areas. When you come back together next week or maybe a couple weeks from now, discuss any results you have had.

    Bible Verses Read Sunday:

  • Matthew 23:12
  • Philippians 2:3-11
  • James 4:6


Brandon Follin