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Consumed: Passionately in love with Jesus

By April 13, 2015April 20th, 2015No Comments

Life group Questions

Note to life group leaders as you prepare to lead the group: Sunday we talked about 3 things; 1. Falling out of love with Jesus when we focus on things other than Jesus, 2. The way to go back to a passionate love for Jesus is to look back at the detour we have taken and repent (Life detours are when we focus first on career, money, school, … and put Jesus second or third) and 3. We need to believe by faith the God’s plans are better than our plans.

  1. This is the 1st meeting of the season. Make sure you welcome everyone to the group, and make the new people feel welcome and comfortable. Do an ice breaker like introductions if you will.
  2. Read Revelations 2:1-7.
  3. Did you take notes Sunday? Let’s alternate and share 1 thing that God spoke to you Sunday.
    1. (Note to leaders: Always encourage group to take notes for 2 reasons: 1. it will increase retention, and 2. life group dynamics will improve with everyone’s participation)
  4. Talk about why and how we as Christians can so easily “fall out of love” with Jesus and allow our relationship with God become a dead/dull religion routine.
  5. The secret to go back with loving Jesus is in verse 5, let’s read it and talk about it.
    1. Note to leaders: The secret to go back to loving Jesus is to remember where we took a detour and started focusing on things other that Jesus like money, career, school… take a U turn (i.e. repent) and focus on Jesus again. Keep the main thing the main thing.
  6. Do you find it hard to trust God? Trust that His plans are better than your own plans, that is why you took a detour in your Christian journey?
  7. Do you have an example to share when you trusted God with something that was hard for you to trust, but God as always showed you that His plans was better than your plans?
  8. Set at least 20 minutes to pray with the group. Set 5 minutes for prayer requests, and 15 for actual prayers. If prayer requests are taking too long say something like “In 5 words, how is family, job, school, your faith, stage in life?”
Scripture Read Sunday 4/12/2015
Revelation 2:1-7
Revelation 2:4
John 17:3
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Revelation 2:5
Revelation 3:20
Ephesians 6:24
Julian Malotti