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Joshua 5

By February 4, 2018February 6th, 2018No Comments

Life Group Announcements 

  1. Family Movie Night is February 17, from 6 to 8 pm. Bring your kids dinner. Free popcorn and invite a friend
  2. Women’s retreat is coming Fast on March 2-4. Register online at

Life Group Questions

  1. Read Joshua 5:1-12
  2. Did you take notes Sunday, if so, what was the #1 thing you heard God speaking to you loud and clear?
  3. Background info on circumcision: Circumcision was a symbol that the Israelites were set apart by God to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.  Now God circumcises our hearts and sets us apart for HIS noble purposes. Circumcision to them was an identity thing. “I belong to God, I am no longer slave to Egypt!” To us it’s the same thing, we are no longer slaves to sin.
    1. Question / Topic # 1 – God paid for your past failures and sins on the cross. Now as you received Him, your identity changes. You were set apart for noble purpose in your heart, and you are no longer identified by your past. Now you are a son / daughter of God.
    2. read v 9 – God rolled away our reproach. Pastor Joe mentioned that our past was purchased by Jesus. It’s no longer ours, but HIS. We have no business digging our past if it’s stealing our joy, and purpose.
  4. Read verses 10-12 – They celebrated God (Passover) in one day, and the next day for the 1st time in 40 years they ate off the land. The Israelites started to reap the blessings of obedience. Reaping comes after we have sown. The blessings do not come before obedience, but it’s the other way around. We start obeying God first. What area of life are you waiting to reap blessings? Question # 2. Are you obeying God in this area?
  5. Pray for each other
Julian Malotti