Life Group Announcements
- Baptism BBQ is coming in September 30th. It’s a potluck, so bring a side fish or a dessert. If you would like to be baptized email pastor Julian@ (Give your testimony of your baptism to encourage people that got saved to be baptized) Many people think that they need to be more “perfect” to be baptized. Not true! All they need is to be saved – More info on our website
- Women’s retreat is October 13-15. Cost is $133. Registration is coming soon. Save the date, and start saving some cash. There is an option to go and only spend Saturday for $36
- October 4, 11, 18, and 25 OB One will be hosting a 4-week seminar on How to minister to others being led by the Spirit called “Ministry Leader training”. Registration open online at
Life Group Questions
- How did you encounter the Holy Spirit this week? (Did anyone had dreams of visions? Anyone prayed for someone and they were touched by God) (Note to leader: We want people in your group and in the church to have their own personal encounters with the HS and with the supernatural from Jesus, and by asking them weekly, it will encourage them to be on the lookout for “divine appointments”)
- If you have, bring a testimony to the group on how God used you and someone in your group.
- (Encourage the group to take notes Sunday) From your notes or memory, what was the most powerful thing you learned Sunday? Something you felt That God really spoke to you?
- Read In Mathew 18:18. Let’s talk about this amazing reality that through prayer we can bind and loose things on earth as it is in heaven.
- Read john 3:1-3 Nicodemus said “No one can do these things unless the Father is with him”. We as born again Christians have the Holy Spirit and the Father is with us. So we will do things that are bigger than ourselves because God will to them through us. People will know that we are followers of Christ by our love and by the power that comes through us just like Nicodemus recognized that God was with Jesus. Let’s talk about this.
- Pastor Joe mention that in our generation we are very interested in knowledge and not so interested in experience. But Jesus knew the Father and performed miracles. Let’s talk about moving from knowledge to experience and action. Are you content with knowledge only? or are you ready to start doing the things Jesus did? What is preventing you?
- Jesus said “no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again”. God wants us to see this world with His eyes and His perspective. With people being saved, healed, blessed, free from chains,…. Let’s talk about out job and privilege to usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth.
- Pray for each other