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Life Group Announcement

  1. Next Sunday is Easter. Family Fun Day from 12 – 2pm. Kid’s games, Bounce Houses, Food and Ice cream Truck. Bring some cash, and Invite a friend. Bring a beach towel or beach chair.
  2. May 5th and 6th is the Men’s weekend in Julian. The cost is $65. Save the date.

Life Group Questions

  1. Sunday We read 1 day in the life of Phillip and Peter in Acts 8:26-30 and ( Acts 9:32-35 & Acts 9:40-42). Let’s Read this 3 passages.
  2. What stands out to you in these passages?
  3. Do you believe is possible for us to hear God and life a spectacular life nowadays like Philip and Peter did?
  4. Do you remember pastor Julian saying that God is inviting us to lifestyle change. With new priorities, new perspectives, new awareness of what God wants to do in our circles of influence. What did you think of that?
  5. When was the last time you heard the voice of God and did something about it? What happened?
  6. What prevents us from not listening to God or not doing something about it when HE speaks? What can we change?
  7. Pray for each other. Encourage a quiet moment to Foster an environment where we can hear from God. Also encourage people to pray for one another. Teach them to hear God, HE may say “Go pray for such and such.” Also when praying ask God to direct the prayer, etc..
  8. THIS IS NOT A QUESTION. I (pastor Julian) would love to get a feedback from your group on how people are “digesting” the Holy Spirit movement that God is doing in our church. Meaning… Are people excited, afraid, cautious, not ready,… Any feedback will be great. Thanks leaders for shepherding the OB One flock by leading a life group.
Julian Malotti