Life Group Announcements
- Movie night is this coming Friday 6pm in the Venue. This FUN event is FREE, and it is a great opportunity for you to invite friends and family to join you. FREE pop corn will be served. Use Sunset Cliff Blvd entrance.
Life Group Questions
- How did this sermon speak to you?
- How do you define spiritual maturity?
- Based on Ephesians 2:8-9 pastor Joe said that the road to maturity is based grace and faith. How is grace and faith been a factor in your journey to spiritual maturity?
- Read Luke 6:47-49. Why is moving from information to application so essential in our journey to maturity? In what ways is God asking you to apply His word to your life?
- Read Luke 14:25-33. Why is counting the cost so pivotal in our growth to spiritual maturity? What cost does God say we need to expect?