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Palm Sunday – God’s Best

By April 13, 2014April 15th, 2014No Comments


#1 – Pray and invite friends and family to join us this Easter. Pray for the people that will come, for services, for salvation, etc..
#2 If the service you go to is packed, make an effort to make room at the sanctuary and “Check out” the Venue,
#3 If you would like to serve on Easter, please show up 15 minutes before the service you attend, and welcome people to church
#4 Pray for the Missions trip to Mexico throughout the week. They leave this coming Monday and Return Friday. If you still want to go, support financially, or donate school supplies, talk to Ryan at church patio.

  1. Read Mark 8:31 – 36
  2. What jumps at you in this passage?
  3. Peter looked at Jesus’ statement in v31 with the eyes of this world and it did not make sense to him. Do you have an example in your life when something happened to you and it did not make sense looking at it with earthly eyes, but later it made total sense in spiritual sense?
  4. Talk about how God’s best does not always have to do with better circumstance, but it has to do with being closer to Him. And how God uses tough circumstances for our growth.
  5. Talk and wrestle with these 3 things followers of Christ are called to do in v34-35 that are: Deny yourself, take his own cross, and follow God.
  6. Is anyone in the group going through a hard time and would like to share so that we can pray for you?



Julian Malotti