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Foundations of our Faith

High View of God

By August 23, 2016No Comments

Life Group Announcements 

  1. Women’s retreat is September 23-25 – For more info text “wr” to (619)536-0006
  2. Church’s picnic is coming up on September 17th from 11 – 4 – For more info text “bbq” to (619)536-0006
  3. To help setup for the Picnic text “setup” to (619)536-0006
  4. To help tearing down for the Picnic text “td” to (619)536-0006
  5. Baptism will be on the same day as the BBQ – For more info text “water” to (619)536-0006

Life Group Questions 

  1. What is the Holy Spirit teaching you in this stage of your life?
  2. How have you encountered the Holy Spirit this week?
  3. We tend to focus so much on life and the challenges of life that seem like God shrinks. We need to keep our focus on God and how awesome, glorious, majestic, huge… He is. In doing so our challenges shrink as God grows. Do you remember when you had a high view of God and how was life? Or the opposite, when you had a low view of God and your challenges seemed like they were huge?
  4. Read Genesis 2:2-3 and talk about rest. Are we as a church obedient to this command of God? Do you understand why God has commanded it? Did you know that this command was the 4th of the 10 commandment, revealing to us how serious it is? What are your thoughts on this topic?
  5. Let’s talk about Spiritual warfare. The enemy attacks us mainly in our minds with 1. Doubt, 2. Lies, 3. Temptation and 4. Accusations and others like fear. God teach us to Bible like Jesus battle it with the Bible in Matthew chapter 4. And another weapon it redirection of thought (Phillippians 4:8). How does the enemy attack you/ And do you have Bible verses to battle it back and find victory?
  6. Pray for one another
Julian Malotti