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Road To Maturity

Road to Maturity: License to Drive

By November 9, 2015No Comments
Life Group Announcements
  1. Next Sunday after 2nd service OB One will be having a potluck. It will be a great time to fellowship and hear the ministry update. Bring your favorite dish.
  2. Save the Date: December 5th OB One will be having a float in the OB Parade. We want everyone that comes to OB One to show up and represent God in the parade. Bring the entire family, your dogs, babies, strollers, etc…
  3. Start planning a thanksgiving meal with your life group. A lot of people in the church live far away from family members so the life groups is as close as they have to a family. Celebrate and thank the Lord together. And feel free to make it a “Friend Day” where everyone is welcome to invite a friend.
Life Group Questions
1.     How did God speak to you through Sunday’s sermon?
2.     How do you define Freedom in Christ?  
3.     Read Galatians 5:1.  In what way are we in the 21st century church in danger of becoming captive to the yoke of slavery?  What does that look like?
4.     Pastor Joe mentioned that Christians struggle with two extremes with freedom in Christ.  One extreme is legalism and the other is cheap grace.  Do you agree?  If so which extreme would you mostly tend towards?
5.     Read Galatians 6:15.  Why and how is our identity in Christ (new creation) so important to our freedom in Christ?
6.     Read Galatians 5:13-14 & 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.  How does understanding our purpose help us become mature in our freedom?  Why would you say Christ has given you freedom?
7.     If we are free in Christ and saved by grace then why are we given so many rules/commands?  What happens if we don’t follow the rules?
8.     Take some time and pray for each other and the entire church of OB1 that people may experience a new level of freedom in Christ…a mature freedom.
Julian Malotti