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Life Group Announcements 

  1. The church BBQ is coming soon. The church will provide the burguers and the hot dogs, everyone else needs to bring a side dish, a drink, or dessert. Ask the people in your group to RSVP to the BBQ by getting their phones out and Texting BBQ to 619-536-0006.
  2. Encourage people in your group to get baptized. Share a testimony of your baptism, and a brief explanation of baptism then ask people to text H2O to 619-536-0006 if interested
  3. Women’s Retreat will be on April 8-10. For more info text WR to the same number

Life Group Questions

1.     How did the sermon speak to you?
2.     Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 & 1 Corinthians 12:12-21.  These two passages are examples of how we as Christians are dependent upon one another for spiritual health.  Would you say that you have a spiritual workout partner (someone helping you draw closer to Christ) in your life right now?  If not why?
3. Read James 5:16 -Do you have anyone that you go to when you are tempted to sin? Or Do you have someone that you can confess your sins and he/she will give you truth and encouragement?
4. How are you investing in strong spiritual partnerships/relationships?  What is your biggest barrier to Christian fellowship?
5. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-15.  Just as it is important to have support (workout partner) so too it is just as important to have the right spiritual workout partner, for the wrong partner can cause more damage than good.  What are some examples of relationships in your life that are leading you away from God’s path versus towards His path?  Is there a current relationship that you may need to severe or place healthy boundaries on?

Julian Malotti