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Promises of God

Promise of Rest

By April 28, 2014June 22nd, 2020No Comments

Life Group Questions

  1. Read Matthew 11:28-30 and read Isaiah 40:31
  2. Matthew 11 talks about 3 things we need to do to obtain and maintain God’s rest for our souls. What are these 3 things? Can each person in the group explain how to apply these 3 things to our lives in practical ways?
  3. Since God is a leader not a follower…. Do you feel you are currently being led by Him? In what ways specifically?
  4. How can we recognize that we are “plowing the wrong field”?
  5. Are your life choices based on culture pressure or on Gods word?  What are some examples of culture pressure we deal with today?
  6. In our lives, are we willing to surrender anything to God?  Everything to God?  What do we still hold control over that we won’t submit in faith?  What is holding us back?
  7. Are you trying to control situations that you have no control over? Are you willing to let that go so that you can “soar” like the eagle in Isaiah 40?
  8. Break up in groups of 3-4 and pray for each other to be free of these heavy burdens and heavy yoke that Jesus doesn’t want us to carry.


Julian Malotti