Life Group Announcements:
1. (February 7 th -May 2 nd ) Divorce care classes are starting. Cost is $20 and childcare will not
be provided. For more information, please see OB1 Church website, or email Jim
Donahoe at
2. (March 1-3, 2019) Women’s retreat hosted by Pine Valley Bible Conference speaker Jani
Ortlund. $145 for 2 nights/5 meals included or Saturday only for $75. Please see OB1
Church website for details/registration.
Life Group Questions:
1. Often times it is easy to think we have the infinite God figured out. In other words, it is
easy to think we fully know God because we grew up hearing about Him from our
family, friends, and churches. Maybe we have read the Bible from cover to cover,
preached many sermons, led many life groups, and so we think we KNOW God.
However we were reminded that God is always greater than we think.
What does it mean to you that God is always greater? What are some ways that we are
often tempted to limit God’s vastness?
2. One of the reasons God is always is greater is because He’s the creator, He’s involved in
His creation, and He’s sovereign over His creation.
What does this mean for you today? It’s easy to think that this only means something for
the past, but does it encourage you to know that God created you (gave you a purpose), is
involved in your life (cares for you), and is sovereign (in control of your situations)?
3. Due to the fact that we live in a physical world with physical bodies, we often live lives
guided by things we can see, touch, smell, and hear. This also makes it easy to assume
God is all about the physical and that He is limited to it as well, but Scripture teaches that
God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in truth and spirit (John 4:24).
Why should we be reminded, and even live in, the truth that God is beyond physical
limitations? Would you feel secure or confident trusting in a physical God only? What
does it mean that God is spirit?
4. One truth that totally blows our minds is that although God is far away, He is near at the
same time. He hovers over His creation, yet is very present in our day-to-day personal
lives as a caring Father.
How have you experienced the nearness of God? Was there a specific situation that He
worked through in your life that confirmed this truth?
Related Bible Verses:
Acts 17:22-30 (Main text)
Psalm 139:6
Job 26:14