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The Good Work

God Calls us to be “Solution-People”

By June 22, 2020No Comments

Life Group Questions

  1. If you watched the message Sunday, what is the 1 thing that God really spoke to you? Let’s take turns and share.
  2. In Nehemiah 3 they start building the wall. The action starts. The people start solving the problem at hand.
    1. Question: What is a problem in your work, your family, your church, and our city that keeps bothering you?
    2. What are you doing about the bother? Is it time to start doing something about it? Are you willing to get your hands dirty to be part of the solution?
  3. When it’s time to “be” the solution, a lot of people want to help, but few want to start the process like Nehemiah. What can we start together as a group? Is there anything we can start in our church?
  4. Nehemiah’s main goal was to rebuild the wall. Us as Christians our main goal is deeper than “good works” it’s about eternity, it’s about telling others about the goodness of God, peace and salvation in Jesus. As we do good works, we should always be reminded that the spread of the gospel should be the main drive. Let’s talk about that.
  5. We’ll be praying for one another for the next 15 minutes or so. Any prayer request? Then as a leader ask “Who wants to pray for…?”, etc… then take some time praying .


Julian Malotti