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Basic – Stand by Grace…Walk by Faith

By September 1, 2013April 21st, 2020No Comments

Life Group Questions

1.     What spoke to you most in the sermon?
2.     How does God’s grace affect your view of your identity and purpose in life?
3.     Read Ephesian 2:8-10, Romans 4:16, Romans 5:1-2.  What is the balance between grace and faith?
4.     Read Luke 6:47-49 & James 2:17-26—Why is application so essential to our faith?  Can you have faith without application, or faith without obedience?
5.     Read Hebrews 11:1.  In the sermon we spoke about how not to doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light.  What are the ways God has shown you to be real?
6.     How do we stand in faith even when we feel as though God is not around or doesn’t exist?
Julian Malotti