Life GRoup Questions
- Who has been influential in your life as someone who pointed you to the hope of Jesus?
- How often do you get stuck in your own worries and find a hard time noticing the one God wants you to help?
- What keeps you from doing something compassionate for the one you notice? Overwhelm? Not knowing what to do? Busyness? Stressed? Unknown results?
- Have you ever felt stagnant or empty? Can you attribute that to either not being filled properly by God and others, or to not pouring out for others?
- What simple things, like listening or being present, can you do this week for someone?
- How can we overcome evil with good, one life at a time?
- What’s your goal when you walk into a room? Notice me OR I notice you? What rooms are you going to walk into this week, and will you choose to notice, have compassion, and respond to at least one person, as God leads?