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Life Group Announcements

  1. This Saturday 6 pm is the OB One Movie Night – We’ll be watching the secret life of pets. Free admissions & free pop corn. Invite a friend
  2. Men’s weekend is coming up in 3 weeks. Please register and pay at

Life Group Questions

  1. It’s hard to elaborate questions about Easter, but you can ask the group if anyone has any questions about Jesus being the only way to forgiveness and salvation. That when he died he defeated sin, and when he rose again he defeated death.
  2. If people do not have questions about salvation, eternal life, etc… Feel free to use the following questions
  3. How is your walk with God going? What have you recently learned from God and the Bible that has been helping you? Would you like to share it with the group what that is?
  4. Has anyone heard anything from the Holy Spirit in these past couple of days? What did He tell you?
  5. Spend time praying for each other
Julian Malotti