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Facing Opposition with Confidence

By March 30, 2020April 20th, 2020No Comments

Life Group Questions 

Joshua DeGuido for Sunday, March 29, 2020

Main passages:

  • Acts 22: 6-15
  • Acts 23: 9-14
  • Acts 24: 12-16

Lifegroup Questions:

  1. Josh began his sermon by asking a question: “How do you typically handle opposition?” He then explained that we can either react or respond to a situation, and then he compared the two.
    Question: Why do you think it’s easier (or even more natural) for us to react to situations, rather than respond? What are some examples of reacting? What are some examples of responding?
  2. The book of Acts is very applicable for us today, especially in light of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) pandemic. Acts is full of stories about sickness, death, and trials in the church and how God’s Holy Spirit still worked through those times.

Question: Is it tempting to think that God has forgotten us in uncertain times like today? Or that maybe He’s only working through the “super spiritual” people and not all of His children? What are some ways you believe God can work in His church through this quarantine / shut-down?

  1. The first point Josh made was: In order to face opposition with confidence, we need to remember we’ve been called by God to a work (Acts 22:14-15).
    Question: How can you relate to Paul the Apostle in this specific part of the story? How can remembering God’s call for your life beneficial in scary situations?
  2. The second point Josh made was: In order to face opposition with confidence, we need to remember that the Lord stands by us (Acts 23:11).

Question: Do you believe that God stands by you and encourages you to be of good cheer, just like He did to Paul the Apostle in this part of the story? If not, why not? What do you think are some obstacles to believing this truth (think about fear, uncertainty, etc.)?

  1. The third (and final) point Josh made was: In order to face opposition with confidence, we need to hope in God (Acts 24:15-16).
    Question: Where is your hope today? Is it in God? Or is it in yourself or others to fix everything? What are some common things we put our hope in when we’re uncertain? How can we get better at this?
Julian Malotti