Life Group Announcement
- We need 100 people for the OB Parade December 5th from 4pm until about 9pm to represent God and our church. Please register online at and click on the star wars register button.
- Plan a thanksgiving meal with the group before thanksgiving to be the family to the people in your group who do not have one.
Life Group Questions
- Read Psalm 16 verse by verse and talk about. Read verse 1 and ask what is God speaking to you in this verse?
- The entire heart of the message is keeping our eyes on God, not on this world, or in other people for a lifestyle of Thanksgiving.
- Do the same for all the 11 verses if you have time
- Here are the highlights of each verse:
- v1 – God is the only solid place of refuge in hardships. Money, looks, fame will fall short to provide security
- v2 – Recognition that God is good, we are not and He still loves us even knowing all our thoughts, sin,…
- v3 – The true noble are the people of of God. We learn from, we grow closer to God, … the people of the church are royalty in God’s eyes
- v4 – Any other god (lower case) will disappoint.
- God’s presence is the best time of the day – My cup – He will make my lot secure; What is supposed to be our from God, is secure in God’s arms and provision.
- Inheritance – We should focus on leaving a Godly (not religious) legacy and inheritance
- God is there with us even when everyone is sleeping
- Our eyes, our focus should be in the Lord, so that we can have a solid joy.
- My heart and tongue will rejoice. (The result of walking with God)
- God will give us a new body. A glorified body in heaven
- Through the Bible God teaches the path of life, and the result of obeying God is joy, and eternal pleasures.
- Here are the highlights of each verse: