Life Group Questions
- Read Joshua 1:6-9
- If you heard the message Sunday, what was the biggest idea you got from it?
- We talked about 3 principles that we learned from what God taught Joshua.
- Be strong and courageous – Because the Lord is with us wherever we go.
- Not to turn to the right or the left, but to do everything according to the Bible to the best of our ability. In other words, do your best. No one is perfect, but we’ll do our best.
- Meditate on God’s word day and night. Meaning:
- Be careful with our thoughts
- Be aware of what kind of information you are feeding your thoughts with.
- Let’s talk about # 1 – Do you believe the Almighty God is with you even when we don’t feel or hear HIM. Do you believe in this promise? If so, what helps you believe it?
- Let’s talk about #2 – To do our best to live life according to God’s teachings. Again, this does not mean perfection, but to press towards growing and becoming a little more little Jesus each day. This will be a lifelong pursuit that will never be fully completed on this side of heaven.
- Be careful with your thought and be careful with what kind of information you are feeding your mind. Some information is toxic to your soul. Have you ever noticed that we can become very negative after listening or watching a show that is very negative, anger, or fear-filled?
- Remind people of the homework.
- This week we are reading Joshua 1:6-9 and Isaiah 41:10 everyday
- We are starting a Bible plan called “dealing with uncertainty”. It’s a 5-day play
- We are turning off all the negative noise from our lives for 1 week and spend more time in God’s presence and reading his word (Idea is to also read 5 minutes of a Psalm per day)
Bible Passages Read Sunday
- Joshua 1:6-9 (Main passage)
- Isaiah 41:10
- Matthew 6:31-33
- Philippians 4:8