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Life Group Questions—Driven: Look Who’s driving!
1.     How did the Holy Spirit speak to you on Sunday’s service?
2.     Read Luke 4:1-4.  What is the heart of this temptation?  How do you struggle with this deception and why is it relevant on our pursuit to be Holy Spirit Driven?
3.     Read Luke 4:5-8.  What is the heart of this temptation?  How do you struggle with this deception and why is it relevant on our pursuit to be Holy Spirit Driven?
4.     Read Luke 4:9-13.  What is the heart of this temptation?  How do you struggle with this deception and why is it relevant on our pursuit to be Holy Spirit Driven?
5.     Read Luke 4:14-21.  Here we read the results of being Holy Spirit driven.  Rejoice…this can be our path as well!
6.     Spend some time praying for each other.  Please also pray for OB1 and wisdom and favor for the next Worship pastor.
Julian Malotti