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Foundations of our Faith

How single Christians should get ready for marriage

By October 23, 2016No Comments

Life Group Announcement 

  1. No Friday night service this Friday
  2. Men’s weekend is coming up November 11-12. For more info text “weekend” to (619)536-0006

Life Group Questions

  1. What are you learning from God in this stage of your walk with him that you would like to share with the group?
  2. Summerize Sunday’s message in 5 minutes to bring everyone on the same page. The sermon Sunday had 2 points. Does anyone remember what they were?
    1. Help to leaders: 1) There is Parents / Elders involved in helping the younger generation including their own kids in the decision of whom should they get married to. (Genesis chapter 24 in story of Isaac and Rebekah)
    2.  Do not exchange the blessings of God for the immediate gratification. (Story of Esau and Jacob in Genesis 25:29-34)
  3. What was the point in the message that God most spoke with you and why?
  4. Rebekah involved her father, mother, and brothers to help her decide if marrying Isaac would be the right decision. How much do you think young adults in the church should invite elder Christians in the process of helping them navigate dating, engagement, and wedding since marriage is the 2nd biggest decision on earth, after who do we worship?
  5. Have you ever been tempted to exchange the blessings of God for the immediate gratification like Esau? If so, would you mind sharing with the group what you learned?
  6. Spend about 15 minutes praying for one another.
Julian Malotti