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Winning the Battle Within

By March 2, 2015No Comments

Life group Announcements

  • Men’s Retreat March 13-14
  • OB One Service times will change on Easter to 8:30 and 10:30 am to allow us to have more time with God in prayer at the end of each service.

Life Group Questions 

Important note:  This sermon was about sin.  Depending upon the closeness and level of trust in your life group will dictate the wisdom or health of answering some of these questions.  For some life groups that have not established a level of trust you may want to skip certain questions.  (KEY: Life group is not a place to confess certain sins before all people.  It really depends upon the situation and group.  Please be careful and explain that confession to other brothers and sisters in Christ is a godly thing to do but must be done with wisdom and the right people.  That does not mean everyone in your life group.  Life group leaders please be careful and share this with the group).
1.     Take some time to pray and ask God to breakthrough in your life group.
2.     How did the sermon minister to you?
3.     In Joshua 7 we read the account of how the sin of Achan prevented the power of God move in and through the nation of Israel.  How has sin prevented God from moving in your life?
4.     Read Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8, and Romans 7:15-25.  Here we clearly see that we have all sinned and struggle with the battle of sin.  How have you personally dealt with the issue of sin in your life?
5.     Read Genesis 39:1-12.  Here we read that Joseph is tempted to sin but he does not.  In Genesis 39:9 Joseph identifies sin as sin against God.  Why is it important to identify/recognize sin as sin against God?
6.     Read Genesis 4:7.  Do you think that Christians in general tend to water down/deemphasize the seriousness of sin?  Why is sin so detrimental to a believer who is saved?
7.     Read again Genesis 39:10.  Here we read that Joseph refused to even be with her.  Why?  How is this important to our selves in overcoming the battle of sin within?
8.     In Genesis 39:11-12 Joseph was put into a situation that he had no control over.  How did he end up overcoming the temptation to sin?  Are you willing to leave your metaphorical “coat” in order to avoid sin?  In Hebrews 12:1 we read to throw off any thing (even good things) that hinders and sin that entangles us.  What thing (good or bad) is entangling or tempting you to sin and are you willing to get rid of it?
9.     Read Romans 8:12-13.  Notice the two truths stated in these verse:  1: If we live by our sinful nature (flesh) we will die.  2: We can only overcome the sinful nature by the Spirit.   So how do you overcome the sinful nature by the Spirit?
10.  Read 1 John 1:9 & Acts 2:38 we read that confession and repentance leads to forgiveness of sin.  When was the last time you sat and confessed your sins before God and asked Him to help you with your sin?  Repentance means to turn over surrender your sin and turn to God.  Are you willing to repent and surrender that sin over to God?   If you feel comfortable and have the healthy relationship with people in the group break up and pray for each other regarding your struggle with sin and confessing to God.  If you do not then DON’T.  But set a time alone and pray to God directly and ask forgiveness, confessing and repenting of your sin.
11.  Close with reading Romans 8:1 & 1 John 2:1-2.  Satan is a liar and an accuser.  He tempts us to sin and then accuses us and condemns us when we do sin.  It is important to remember that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  God wants us to experience His power and forgiveness not condemnation.  The choice is are we willing to allow and receive God’s mercy and grace and choose to walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh.  Pray for one another.

Bible verses read Sunday

Joshua 7:10-13
1 John 5:8
Romans 7:15-25
Genesis 39:1-12
Genesis 39:9-10
Genesis 4:7
Proverbs 6:27-28
2 Timothy 2:22
Hebrews 12:1
Romans 8:12-15
Romans 8:13
1 John 1:9
Acts 19:18-20
2 Peter 1:9
Julian Malotti