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Acts 2 – The church’s birthday

By August 19, 2019April 21st, 2020No Comments
OB1 LifeGroup Questions
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Facilitator, you know your group the best. Choose to go as deep as you want with these questions, read the room & choose the best course of discussion. It is entirely possible that God will stir up a discussion that is not found in these questions. You don’t have to answer all of these questions together. It’s not an assignment to complete
Make sure to pray together before you start, and invite the Holy Spirit to lead your time together. It’s possible that there are more questions to be answered here then you will have time for tonight. Select the ones that you think will be the most productive for your group.
The Book of Acts  Week 2
Pastor Julian Milotti 
Scripture Context:
Acts 2
Today’s Question: What is the purpose of my life? What am I doing here?
Q1: Owning our Part
What do you do in this life that feels the most meaningful? What feels like it has the most purpose for you?
What ministries of the church feel most purposeful for you? How does God use you within the body of the bride of Christ?
Q2: Focus & Priority
Pastor Julian said, “If we allow money & power to be the purpose of our life, and we forget that our souls have no end & that there is purpose beyond what we see, we can forget that our main mission of making disciples.”
How has God wired you to serve other people & make disciples?
Do you know what “make disciples” means?
Proclaim – Baptize – Equip – Repeat
“We’re never going to find freedom in doing whatever we want. We only find slavery there. Freedom is found in obeying Christ.”
– Pastor Julian
Q3The Ministry of Reconciliation 
What do you see in your neighborhood that needs to experience the reconciling power of God’s movement?
How can He use -you- to be the moving hand & heart of reconciliation?
Q4Receiving the Holy Spirit
Pastor Julian said, “When we live life on a mission, like soldiers, knowing that God has given us the right equipment (the Holy Spirit) we must be ready for the discomfort that will come.”
When have you experienced spiritual pushback from others? How do you see that playing out in your life?
Have you experienced the feeling of the Holy Spirit pressing through you into dark places in someone else’s life? What happened?
Q5The Call to Prophesy & Dream
Read Acts 2:14-41, each person taking a turn to read a few verses.
Who does the prophet Joel, led by the Holy Spirit, day will be a part of God’s chosen communications team?
How is this different from what we see in the Old Testament?
What does this mean for you as Joel speaks this over you & I living in these last days, too?
San Diego is the 4th most unchurched city in the nation. How important is it that every single Christian in San Diego becomes active in expressing their faith & speaking the truth of Christ over our friends & family & neighbors & coworkers?
How good is it that God doesn’t call us to do this alone?
Julian Malotti