Make sure to pray together before you start, and invite the Holy Spirit to lead your time together. It’s possible that there are more questions to be answered here then you will have time for tonight. Select the ones that you think will be the most productive for your group.
The Book of Acts – Week 3
Pastor Julian Milotti
Scripture Context:
Read Acts 2:42-47
Today’s Question: What is the purpose of coming together as the church?
Q1: They Devoted Themselves
What are you devoted to? What gets the bulk of your time & attention?
How does devotion to learning help you grow?
What does “devoted learning” look like to you?
Read James 1:19-27
What do you hear the Holy Spirit saying through James?
Q2: The Church is a Community
What tasks/hobbies do you enjoy doing with others? What do you like to do alone?
Why do you think God wants us to be together every week rather than just ‘being with God’ on our own or out in nature?
How essential are accountability & encouragement to your growth in Christ?
Why do we try to choose how we want to live our Christian life, rather than being devoted to what God has to say about it? How will your changed life encourage others?
Q3: Generosity as a Lifestyle
What do you see going on in the life of this community as a whole? Read Acts 2:42-47 again.
What aspects of this community’s life sound best to you?
What aspects of this life as the Church do you think would benefit your neighborhood/community?
Q4: The Church isn’t Perfect
Christian Comedian John Crist reads Church reviews:
We are here because this (the church) gathering is God’s idea. We use the gifts & talents God has given us within the context of the church & then we use them out in the community.
What should our realistic expectations be when it comes to our life together as the church?
The 59 “One Another’s”
Q5: An Attitude of Others-First
Pastor Julian used the word koinonia several times throughout the sermon. Koinonia means “communion” or “fellowship.” Its a sharing of life, in good & bad. There’s a direct connection here that should sound/feel like the relationship between a husband and a wife. When two people get married it’s for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, right?
What would it be like to be in a relationship with someone that was always fixated on themselves, turning conversation around to themselves, & pursuing their own needs?
Read Matthew 20:25-28
What is Jesus pointing us toward here?
Closing prayer time:
How can you and your group help our friends & neighbors to see a little bit of heaven here in earth this week?
How can you pray for the impact of your group? What can you all do together to impact our community?