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The Heart of God


By November 3, 2013April 21st, 2020No Comments

This is week 5 of 10 for Fall Season.

Take 5 minutes to do announcements before you start the discussion about the sermon

ANNOUNCEMENT # 1 ( It’s a 1 Life / Life Group EVENT) November 19 or 20 we will not be meeting to discuss the sermon. (November 19 for life groups that meet on Tuesday, and November 20 for life groups that meet on Wednesday) We will be meeting at the church in the same night we have life group. We will be packing shoe boxes filled with school supplies, hygiene products, toys,…  to be sent overseas as a Christmas gift to unprivileged kids around the world. Start buying things you want to ship, and involve your own children in this project as much as you can. THIS IS A “1 LIFE” EVENT ALSO. Start praying and inviting your 1 life, friends, and neighbors to join us in this project. LG Leaders Please read information on our website on the following link to be able to answer any questions the group may have. Feel free to email Julian if you have any questions.

ANNOUNCEMENT #2 – Start planning a Christmas party in your life group. Assign a “party coordinator” to help you. Make it something fun like a potluck, or dessert and coffee, preferably in someone’s home. This party can be in the last week of life group (week of December 9) or in the first week of break (Week of December 16). Ask the group which week works best, and start planning to end the year with great unity. (This could also be a great opportunity for everyone to invite their 1 life, friends, and neighbors)

  1. Ask group to take out their notes from Sunday. Ask someone to Read Psalm 34 ask the entire group to follow along in their Bibles
  2. What verse speaks to you the most, and how is that applicable to your life?  (If no one speaks, remain silent, just encourage the group to speak).
  3. Then go around the room asking the same question. Now another person, what verse speaks to you the most and why? IF NO ONE SPEAKS SAY: “LET’S READ PSALM 34 AGAIN, AND WHILE WE ARE READING IT, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT GOD IS TALKING TO YOU, AND EVERYONE WILL NEED TO SHARE 1 THING THAT GOD HIGHLIGHTS TO YOU AND WHY.”  (THIS WILL GET THE GROUP TO, READ, PAY ATTENTION, AND THEN SHARE.) THEN ASK “what verse speaks to you the most and why?”
  4. The expression “Taste and see” means to trust God /to obey God, to live life according to God described in the Bible. In what ways is God asking you to “taste and see” (trust) Him today?  (Ex: with your relationships, finances, identity, career, etc.). What barriers are keeping you from trusting in God and experiencing Him “Tasting and seeing”?  What are you willing to do about it?
  5. Read Psalm 34:15-22 and pay attention to the verbs of each of the verses.  Which promise or promises of God in these verses stand out to you the most and why?
  6. Read Psalm 34:9; Proverbs 1:7; Psalm 145:19.  What type of fear is God referring to in these verses and why does God want us to fear Him? (HINT for leaders only: FEAR in the Bible is a DEEP sense of respect, reverence and trust toward God,  and NOT the same fear we would fear a violent angry person, or an armed robbery)
  7. Is there anything you feel God is asking you to change in response to this sermon/passage of scripture?
Julian Malotti